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Upholstered beds, yes or no?

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Did you know that bed is where you spend a good part of your life?
For this reason, it is essential to choose a model that suits your lifestyle and needs, because that’s where you’ll start and end your day.

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Nowadays, there are a multitude of options of beds, from beds with headboard or without (only sommier), upholstered or wooden and / or metallic, with or without storage and even in various formats. In this article we will focus on upholstered beds and points to consider if you choose one.

Upholstered beds in addition to being more comfortable physically and visually can add a touch of sophistication and very personal to your room.
However we have to take into account several factors when choosing one. So we list a few:



Upholstered beds need to be cleaned regularly to prevent dust from accumulating. It is therefore important to know well the type of fabric that will be applied to the bed in order to understand its strength, durability and cleanliness.



If you love reading, chatting or even watching the last episode of your favorite show in your bed. In this case, opt for a model with the highest headboard (minimum 1.20 m) for a padded support in the neck and head area. In addition, the upholstered headboard protects the wall from abrasion.



If your room tends to get hot in summer and humid or cold in winter, a frame lined with absorbent fabric may not be the best option. Your bed is designed to add comfort to your daily life, so make sure it fits your home and ambithesis.





In beds upholstered mainly to fabric, some stains and stains may appear over time due to use. For this reason, cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is recommended at least once a week (depending on the type of fabric applied). Attention, however, if it is customary to touch the head of the head of the bed daily, you may have to deal in the future with possible grease stains. One solution is to waterproof the bed, which will allow to create a protective layer of the fabric and prevent dirt from entering it. We always advise you to complement waterproofing with regular cleaning of the upholstery that depends on the manufacturer’s guidelines.


For those who have animals at home, an upholstered bed may not be the best option. The hair of our four-legged friends can very possibly get stuck in the fabric and this can be torn with the claws. Still, for those who really want an upholstered bed, there are already tougher and easier to clean options, such as microfiber.


For allergy sufferers, the upholstered bed model is not the most advisable, as it tends to accumulate more mites. If you continue to prefer beds in fabric, choose materials such as leather or fabrics with anti-mite treatments. This will help prevent the dust from accumulating.




Upholstered beds tend to take up more space than other models, such as metal or wood-frame beds. For a small room, an upholstered bed can result in a cramped space with narrow passages. If necessary, you can always choose a light white or gray fabric to minimize visual impact.



Colors and patterns create aesthetic versatility. Gray, cream and even blue are colors that perfectly match a wide range of different materials like wood or metal. These shades are also ideal for those who want a relaxing environment, but that is not devoid of color. If you prefer a more daring look, more vibrant colors or patterns can function almost like a work of art that can help add color to your walls.

Undoubtedly, an upholstered bed is guaranteed to be a centerpiece and captivating in any room. Of various styles, from beds with capital headboard and headboard with studs, an upholstered bed and any bedside style will make your room look more personalized and sophisticated.


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